Welcome back to another volume of the show that is sweeping the airwaves. A republican told me that if Martin Luther King Jr. were alive he would love this episode. I replied well wouldn't know since he was assassinated by a white nationalist.

Let me dial it back a bit my apologies. We talk about the murders of unarmed black citizens at the hands of police, and the effect this has on us in our day to day lives.

Kaepernick really continues to impress me every week. He spoke to kids on a football team in Oakland, California. This team has made gestures on the field much like Kaepernick has. He applauded the team for being socially conscious at a young age.

The new Power Rangers film is shaping up nicely. Bill Hader joins the cast, and new character posters actually give a tease of the new zords. The Rock is going to in the cast of Jumanji. Jon Bernthal dons the skull to film some new scenes as The Punisher.

This week's top 5 is saturday morning cartoon shows.

The music this week is provided by FoePound McGinnis.