After yet another mass shooting in Florida this weekend it is time to yet again take a serious look at gun control in this country. The same tired rhetoric of what if we need to stop an invasion is still being spread. When Shootings are as common as the sun rise at this point serious change is needed.

Draymond Green is suspended for game 5 of the NBA finals. Did he deserve it or did he was this due to the BronBron cry effect? Also did Lebron break the unwriten code of what is said on the court should stay there?

Both of us were under whelmed by the video game adaptation of Warcraft. Our review is full of spoilers if you have not seen the film and care to not ruin it for your self. The movie had a whopping budget of 160 million dollars and looks like a cut scene from the Sega Dreamcast. There were a few high points but we both agreed it was definitely a movie.

This week's top 5 is arcade games. Remember those? Take a walk with us down memory lane as we recant some of our favorites. Let us know who won @Allpodsmatter. Thank you again for listening.

Karen Less provides the music this week. Her album can be found on Bandcamp and Itunes. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.