C.M. Forest, also known as Christian Laforet, is the author of the novel Infested, the novella We All Fall Before the Harvest, the short story collection The Space Between Houses, as well as the co-author of the short-story collection No Light Tomorrow. His short fiction has been featured is several anthologies across multiple genres. A self-proclaimed horror movie expert, he spent an embarrassing amount of his youth watching scary movies. When not writing, he lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife, kids, three cats and a pandemic dog named Sully who has an ongoing love affair with a blanket. Find him online at ChristianLaforet.com


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Our theme song is by Benny and the No Goods.   Check out their awesome music right HERE Bennyandthenogoods.bandcamp.com

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Alley Chats is produced and edited by Rob Southgate for Southgate Media Group. 

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