I'm in a funk and it might be because of the Coronavirus, but not because I'm sick, I'm just concerned. Paul and I try to stay positive as we talk about the arts. Paul hates the IPA I picked up for the show, and it is a much needed discussion for me. 

I know this one has a weird title. In some regards this is an episode that doesn't really get a title. Was I unprepared? Maybe I was, but maybe it is due to the changes in the world and things just are not normal right now. Paul and I tried to keep up with the theme of the show and we tried to remain upbeat and positive. 

This show is really for anyone who just needs to sit back and have a drink with some creative friends and talk shop. Talk about the current situation but also realize that the world is not like it was just a few months ago. I hope you enjoy the episode, stay safe, be well, take care.