This week, I don't have a guest to introduce you to, instead, I have some exciting things to share with you that we'll get to in just a minute. First, let's talk about podcasts. If you've been listening for a while, you already know that I love podcasting. There is something about listening and learning from a great conversation between two people that is, oh, so powerful.

Now the irony is not lost on me that we're talking about this on a podcast. So these statistics from will probably not surprise you. But did you know that 104 million people listened to podcasts? At least every month, 68 million people listen to podcast weekly and 16 million people in the United States alone described themselves as avid podcast fans.

Wow. This is crazy numbers. And with those kinds of numbers, it's obvious that podcasting is still exploding. And with that comes opportunity as more and more brand owners enter the podcasting arena. The vast majority of them won't be producing their podcast alone. There are a lot of moving parts involved in getting just one episode on the air.

That's where we come in. As virtual assistants, our business model is designed to provide remote support for our clients and with the trend in podcasting on the rise, the opportunities for virtual assistants to niche into podcast management specifically are endless. If you know a little bit about me, you'll know that I was a podcast manager for five years.

I had clients all over the world from Los Angeles to Florida, to Switzerland, even Tokyo. And it was incredible to help bring these podcasts to life every single week and to work closely in that partnership with the podcast hosts to make sure that their voice was heard, they connected with their listeners and that the impact was very powerful.

About a year and a half ago, I decided to pivot a little bit. Instead of having these clients one on one, I decided that I wanted to train aspiring podcast manager how to become one. And that is when The Podsquad Collective was born. So I'm going to be pivoting in the direction towards my own podcast.

As a result, this podcast will begin to focus more specifically on podcast management with new content coming in a three-person interview. I'll be bringing you interviews with podcast hosts and their podcasts managers, where they'll be digging into all the things you've ever wanted to know about how your favorite podcasts get on the air.

We'll be sharing tips tricks suggestions and of course, lessons learned along the way when it comes to podcast management services -- like booking guests, audio editing and mixing, writing, show notes and promoting new episodes on social media. 

I am so excited to launch The Podsquad Collective Show on August 3rd!