Working with your clients is easier when you click and are a good fit for each other. How does a Discovery Call help in understanding your prospective clients and their expectations out of you? How do you organize one that’s concise and effective? 

Bettina Jones has been in the game for over a decade now. She is the founder and owner of Virtual Click Works, where she offers project coordination, communications, and social media handling for coaches. After 15 years in the corporate world, Bettina made the leap to start her own company and hasn’t ever since looked back. In this episode, she digs into her experiences to give away valuable lessons on laying foundations, choosing your clients, and fixing prices for the various services in your business. Listen in, for we also unpack Discovery Calls, and Bettina gives away the pointers to asking quality questions and creating checklists that help you pull off any conversation with ease!

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