You know when you meet someone and your conversation leaves you feeling super energized and excited? 

I have one of those conversations to share with you today.

In this week’s podcast you’ll meet Jessica Andrade, a podcast manager and recent transplant from Washington state to Spain! 

Like so many in our community, the pandemic wreaked havoc on Jessica’s career as a hairdresser in San Francisco. In fact, she left work one day last spring, and never returned as salons closed that weekend. 

Hear her tell the story of all the things that aligned just right for her to launch the successful podcast management business she runs today. 

Plus, get ready, because we’re pulling back the curtain on an incredibly valuable service you might want to consider for your podcast management business. This is a service that without a doubt: 

saves podcasters literal hours every weekputs you in a “can’t do it without you” role for your clients, andis one of the most high-demand services prospective clients happily pay for!

Jessica’s energetic and adventurous approach to her business is a wonderful shot of enthusiasm for anyone on the fence about whether podcast management is right for you.  

For full show notes, please visit

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