"The fire of wild abandon burns
so beautiful and bright
The ashes fade away after
consuming all the light
The fire of wild abandon
burns so beautiful and hot
I used to know the way back home
but somehow I forgot

Through all the smoke I can’t see you
What’s the thing you been turned into?
Something fun, or someone new
The fire of wild abandon

Feel the lie becoming true
Whose eyes are you seeing through?
Teeth, turn in on yourselves and chew
The parasite expanding

Through all the heat waves you can’t see
The thing you thought I used to be
Distorted uncontrollably
Beyond misunderstanding

And in the wreckage, nothing there
Only the cold spell in the air
I cried for you like you were dead
But it’s just that you’re something else instead

And as I felt myself float away, way up there
Up above all the houses
and the people and the trees
And I thought I’d go back,
back down there, be like them
But I can’t anymore,
‘cause I don’t know which one was me

I don’t know which one was me"
- Fire Of Wild Abandon, Evil Sword
