IT and User Remote Access Roundtable the TWiET hosts talk about best practices, things to watch for and taking advantage of this surge in remote access to fix some of your security problems.

Cloudflare Dumps Google's ReCAPTCHA Over Privacy Concerns, CostsCriminals Selling Videoconferencing Credentials on Dark WebThe High-Stakes Race to Build More VentilatorsTwitter Removes Privacy Option and Shows Why We Need Strong Privacy LawsEmails Impersonating Trump, White House Seek to Exploit Pandemic FearsMicrosoft thinks Coronavirus will forever change the way we work and learnSenator backing anti-crypto bill calls out Zoom's lack of end-to-end cryptoWhen All Behavior is Abnormal, How Do We Detect Anomalies?

Hosts: Louis Maresca, Brian Chee, and Curt Franklin

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