Zoom Fixes Security, EARN IT is Evil, Tor in Trouble

Zoom gets big-name help with security fixesGoogle updates Chrome to v81.0.4044.113 to squash a critical flawFTP in Chrome lives another day! Google "undepreciates" FTP.Windows Patch Tuesday for April 2020 fixes 113 vulnerabilities"Basic Authentication" lives another day! Due to COVID-19, Microsoft and Google will keep "Basic Authentication" around for a little while longerEARN IT Act: call your Senator before it is too late!Tor Project fires over 1/3 of its staffCloudflare dumps Google's reCAPTCHA

We invite you to read our show notes at https://www.grc.com/sn/SN-763-Notes.pdf

Hosts: Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/security-now.

You can submit a question to Security Now! at the GRC Feedback Page.

For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site: grc.com, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6.

