Cats vs. Dogs, Android on Windows, Halo Infinite

Microsoft's holiday 2020 ad is an affront to cat lovers and will not stand
Microsoft's Holiday Commercial is for the Dogs

Windows 10
So why would anyone want to use Android apps on Windows? Which apps make the cut?
Lightroom finally makes it onto Windows on ARM

Microsoft 365/Cloud
Microsoft to change how users can test Teams features
Azure Government Top Secret cloud is revealed
Microsoft announces this week two more cloud datacenter regions coming "soon": Denmark and Chile.

Microsoft delays Halo Infinite to November 2021
A record year of engagement for Xbox.
The big news: Confirmation of Cloud gaming on PC, iOS in 2021
Minecraft RTX is available for Windows 10!
And Minecraft is the most-streamed game on YouTube ... by far.

Tips and picks
Tip of the week: Turn off stupid crap in the Facebook shortcut bar.
App pick of the week: HBO Max
Enterprise pick of the week: Deploy SSUs and CUs together
Developer pick(s) of the week: A few GitHub announcements from GitHub Universe
Beer pick of the week: Finback Cats are People Too DIPA

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Mary Jo Foley, and Paul Thurrott

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The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of Carl Franklin.


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