Iranian Hackers Found Way Into Encrypted AppsMicrosoft declares its underwater data center test was a successChina plans new data policy in response to Trump admin's "bullying"Patient Passes away during a cyberattack on a hospitalRansomware has its first fatalityNvidia buys ARM Holdings from SoftBank for $40 billionVue.js releases their 3.0 framework that is leaps and bounds improving performance and experience for web appsAT&T's current 5G is slower than 4G in nearly every city tested by PCMagHow should you defend yourself against deepfakes -- and should you even try?Guillermo Rauch, founder of Vercel talks about reinventing and refocusing front end performance vs. backend development.

Hosts: Louis Maresca, Brian Chee, and Curt Franklin

Guest: Guillermo Rauch

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