SolarWinds smoking gun, Signal influx of WhatsApp users, male chastity cage.

Firefox and Chromium updates address remote system take over bugs.
Tenable researchers reported a critical Chromium bug.
What Firefox's backspace key does and should do.
How Ryuk malware operations netted $150 million via cryptocurrency exchange.
Intel: A triumph of marketing over technology.
The strange case of the Male Chastity Cage.
A SolarWinds smoking gun? "Sunburst backdoor."
A class action lawsuit filed by shareholders of SolarWinds stock.
The "Krebs Stamos Group"
Zyxel security endpoints under attack.
WhatsApp revises their privacy policy.
Signal sees a mass influx of WhatsApp users.
Out with the old: A look at the history of SpinRite code.

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Hosts: Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

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