Whether from a featured placement in a commercial, tv show, movie, or a Tik Tok, songs are going viral all the time and we want to know how and why. How does one tap into this seemingly invisible force that suddenly has everyone loving Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" or Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill"? It's a truly 21st Century cultural phenomenon that always makes us perk up and take notice of some piece of music we may not have ever thought of otherwise. Enter our good friend and bandmate, guitar wizard and studio savant, the great Steve Krolikowski of the band Datamaps, in his first solo outing on ATTT. Just like us, Steve has a lot of opinions, and a list of songs that we think could and should get the viral sensation treatment. However it happens, make it so, culture gods! Anyway our list is as eclectic as our guest. Picks 10-6 are revealed in Top Ten Songs We Wish Would Go Viral, Part 1.

Steve has his musical hands in a million projects, most notably Datamaps, a band that also features the bass slinging of your humble host. Find him and them on Instagram:

All hail the beloved Patreon people! These upstanding citizens put their money where their mouth is and keep the show afloat by contributing $5 a month. In return they're rewarded with a monthly bonus episode using our patented Emergency Pod format, our improv game where we pull a playlist out of our butts in real time. Shannon Hurley was kind enough to join for July's new episode and we couldn't be more excited to share it with you. FInd out more at:

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