It's been called the most shocking American youth movement in history. When it stormed out of the gates in the 1970s, punk rock told the world that the way things are is unacceptable. The people that defined the scene spit in the face of conformity and the social order, and they did it with humor, irreverence and musical brutality. The punk scene in Los Angeles was (and still is) home to some of the most iconic personalities of the genre, and was led by bands that defined it as they was simultaneously transcending it. Here in TOP TEN L.A. PUNK BANDS Part 2, we wrap up our conversation with the mensch of the hour Severo, who brings his musical insight and wit to the proceedings as we reveal picks 5-1 .

If you missed picks 10-6 and the fun we had in Part 1, check it out here:

If you still haven't gotten enough L.A. punk, check out this awesome Spotify playlist featuring every song heard in Parts 1 & 2:

If you don't know Severo, know him. See him on tour with The Smithereens and follow along with his amazing career by following his Facebook page:

ATTT's Patreon is back, with an exclusive Bonus Episode every month featuring our patented Emergency Pod! format. Join for just $5 a month and get Patreon Emergency Pod #2 with guest David Daskal, out now:

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