To everyone out there decrying self-indulgence, let it be set straight for the record that if you had your own long-running podcast, you'd want to have your music-loving friends on the show as often as possible too. We had an absolute blast hanging with the OG All Time Top Ten Pals O The Pod aka The ATTT All-Stars. Gabe Scalone, The Old Boy Himself Ryan Blake, David Daskal, Joe Lavelle, Matt Dinan, Dustin Prince and the one and only Shannon Hurley are back for Part 2 in our navel-gazing exercise. What does the spirit of ATTT embody in song form, which is clearly the best form? If anyone could have an opinion on this it's these 7 people. With a super-sized guest list, there's also a super-sized playlist. Picks 8-1 are featured in Part 2.

If you missed picks 16-9 as featured in Part 1, check it out here or wherever you get your podcasts:

And with super-sized guest lists come super-sized Spotify playlists! With the bumper tracks in tow, this varietal list must be heard to be appreciated:

Follow all of these good-hearted people on social media!

Gabe -

David -

Ryan -

Joe -

Matt -

Dustin -

Shannon -

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