We did it! We made it through another year in this dystopian hellscape! How do we find the strength to carry on amid the chaos and the idiocy? Simple - music saves us. If anyone dares to say that there's no good music being made today, you can tell them from us to shove it. And, send them this link. Quite possibly the best thing about 2022 was the music. As we do, ATTT is kicking off another season by looking back at the year that was. Our usual cast of miscreants - Shannon Hurley, Linda Trujillo and David Daskal - have assembled and we're presenting a 4-part mega-episode - the TWENTY greatest songs of the year!  

January's Patreon episode will be Top Ten Misinterpreted Songs, featuring a special guest that you all know and love. The only way to hear this and every other exclusive bonus episode is to join for $2 a month. Help us pay for the archives AND this here website:

Catch up with our favorite people and all the cool stuff they're up to by finding them on the social medias:
Shannon: https://www.instagram.com/shannonsongs/
Linda: https://twitter.com/riokitty
David: https://www.facebook.com/xyzyx

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