What does it say about us humans that our most consumed stories about interactions with extraterrestrial beings involve them coming to Earth with a mission to save us from ourselves? We potentially have a lot to learn from other beings from distant places, be it the other side of the galaxy or the other side of our own neighborhoods. The idea of alien life forms among us or out there is too intriguing to not want to explore, and thankfully many of our favorite rock stars agree, and they have gifted us with some excellent songs about this very topic. Gabe Scalone returns for Part 2 (5-1) of our galactic playlist Top Ten Songs About Aliens.

Feast your ears on the Top Ten Songs About Aliens playlist on Apple Music:

Our old pals Chris and Justin Wolffing made for fun guests for October's bonus Patreon episode Top Ten Songs With Insanely Long Titles, the rewards episode for $10 tier member Ari. Join and get these exclusive bonus episodes every month for as little as $2/mo. Joooooinnn ussssss