As fellow citizens of planet earth, we here at ATTT HQ hope you are all doing well and are keeping your heads on a swivel in this mind-boggling day and age. Malevolent forces are all around, using hapless rubes to do their evil bidding and making this world into the current shitstorm of misinformation and propaganda we see every day. Don't listen to 'em! Listen to us. We may not have all the answers but at least we're going to give you what you want - music and more music! Ryan Stockstad is back for Part 2 of a very prescient and vital topic - Songs About Mind Control. Do what you can to keep yours under your own control.

If you missed Part 1 go here:

Listen to the entire Top Ten Songs About Mind Control playlist on Apple Music:

Can't get enough Ryan Stockstad? Neither can we. With Halloween coming up you should get in the spirit of the season by binging Ryan's awesome YouTube series Halloween Horror Picks:

Also check out his other show Macon County Movie Club:

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