It's been a long time coming, but we did it. We outlasted Seinfeld by a year! ATTT turns 10 years old this week, and to celebrate we've invited a bunch of our beloved regulars - Joe Lavelle, Shannon Hurley, Dustin Prince and the Old Boy Himself Ryan Blake - to help us dig through the past decade's worth of episodes and temporarily "un-retire" those songs that have passed the 5 spin threshold. In rock n roll nobody ever really retires. Even after they're in the cold hard ground, our favorite rock stars still tour as holograms, or in a delightful spin through your eardrums as you revisit your favorite songs. We're here to stand up for those songs that went over the hill and we're bringing them back for our 10 year celebration. Pound for pound this might be the best playlist ever.

Here's the Spotify playlist for part 1 if you don't believe it:

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Get on our social media to interact with us about the upcoming new countdown series, the ATTT 1000, the 1,000 greatest songs we've ever heard.