Behold the biggest no-brainer in the history of ATTT. We love lists. Special guest Ryan Stockstad loves lists. We hope you love them too, as we deliver the first of many volumes of List Songs. These beautiful tunes bring you lists, lists of everything from reasons to kill yourself to things that we care about to people that died. There's nothing we can't make a list out of on this show, and these songwriters have won our hearts with their list-making ways.

Stream this lovely playLIST on Spotify:

It would take us an hour to list off all the things we love about Sir Ryan Stockstad. For one he's got a ton of great ideas for web content. Check out his latest project - Macon County Movie Club on the LA Frankenstein channel:

Get yourself to the ATTT website posthaste to get access to the Patreon thing and everything else we're up to: