If you people seriously haven't gotten hip to it by now, the early 90s was a golden age for music. Hip hop was exploding on both coasts, with gangsta and conscious rap jousting for supremacy. In the rock world, a weird underground that had been percolating for a decade finally came to the surface when the Seattle scene blew the doors wide open for bands who refused to be defined and had to be labeled "alternative" because there hadn't been anything like it to that point. Yep, we grew up in the thick of it, and have fond memories of 1992 in particular as a year where just about any band that had a shred of coolness and weirdness could emerge into the mainstream, using the doors opened by Nirvana at the end of 1991. Our friends from Wisconsin DJ, Chris and DIxie know a thing or two about 1992, and we can't help but get a bit nostalgic for a time when creativity seemed to be everywhere, especially coming from our stereos. There will never be another time like it.

Stream this mighty playlist on Spotify:

DJ and Chris' band IfIHadAHiFi has been going strong for years in the Milwaukee noise rock scene. Check out their extensive discography:

Dixie and DJ's band Body Futures have cool shit you should check out too:

There's also something Chris is involved in called Mister Dude: