The Summer Of Sin was a thing, and now it is mercifully over. The Oompa Loompas running the show here at ATTT HQ have been getting restless, and are ready for a break from all the negativity we've seen in the world and especially here in these United States. The election is less than 2 months away and we're going to steer this ship in a new direction - the direction of positivity, good vibes, and especially HOPE. Longtime fans of the show know All Time Top Ten has been all about hope for the past 4 years, as we've presented entries in our #1000SongsOfHope series on the social medias. This episode and subsequent ones are a companion piece of sorts to that series, as we're going around the musical world for the best Songs Of Hope we can find. Longtime Pal O' The Pod Dustin Prince is back on to do another one of his patented covers episodes, but this time with a hopeful twist. We HOPE you enjoy Top Ten Cover Songs Of Hope.

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