Going through the seven deadly sins has taught us a few things - greed is the most destructive sin, lust is the most dangerous, and gluttony is arguably the most fun. To quote Randy Newman, here in America, you get food to eat. Lots of it. More than you could ever want. It's sad to say that in addition to being the most fun of the sins, gluttony is probably the most American. ATTT is excited to have a chat about maximum consumption with our friend Alex, who in addition to being a wonderful musician, is also a bonafide gourmet chef. Alex knows from food, and we have a great conversation about the different kinds of gluttony. In addition, we fill your plates with big steaming helpings of great tuneage, and count down our favorite songs about feeding your face in the most sinful way. You might regret it later, but for now belly up to our latest pod and get all you can eat.

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LA people! Put in your orders now for some amazing gourmet food prepared by Chef Alex himself at The Sequestered Chef: