Everything is terrible, this is a fact. Our options for dealing with this fact are to pretend everything is hunky dory, fall into despair and forget about the healing power of art, or the much sexier and righteous option - to embrace it and find humor and meaning in art wherever we can, to keep us sane in an insane world. Of course our favorite medium is, as Beethoven once said "the only medium that matters, bitch" (paraphrasing) - music. So let's take a musical look at the darker side of living for the rest of this summer, adopt a theme based on the 7 deadly sins, and let the Summer Of Sin begin. Each week for the next 7 weeks, we're reveling in sin, finding truth where it lays. To kick things off we call upon our resident demon-in-chief, longtime beloved regular Matt Dinan to break down the most violent of the 7 deadly sins, wrath. Whether its a woman scorned or the literal wrath of God, this particular sin packs a punch and is not for the squeamish. Enjoy.

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