We tried hard to stay away from this topic. We know how stressed out and tired everyone is. We hoped that people here in America would choose the path of compassion and empathy, and do what was needed to work together to defeat a virus that has ravaged the entire planet. Turns out we're going to be stuck in this timeline for a while, and despite how much everyone wants to, we here in the states will not be getting back to normal for a long time. Pal Of The Pod and globetrotting dude extraordinaire Jeff Axelrod has been teaching English in China for the past few years, and was near the epicenter of the virus' origin when all hell broke loose. Jeff has been in severe lockdown and has come out the other side free and clear, and has a lot to say about his experience and what he sees us here in America going through. We also wanted to take this time to finally weigh in on the very popular "Quarantunes" topic, as we present our favorite songs about our current situation. Enjoy our take on Top Ten Songs To Quarantine To.

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