All the best albums in rock and pop history had a certain track, usually buried near the middle of side 2, that embodies the spirit of this week's playlist. The song was not a throwaway, it was not a novelty song, but it was a tad off the beaten path, and many times sung by another member of the band apart from the lead singer. Top Ten Songs Sung By The Drummer is chock full of those little gems that can sometimes fool people into thinking it's another band. If you're still confused the mensch of the hour DJ Morty Coyle is on the pod to explain it further. We think Songs Sung By The Drummer are the bee's knees, we encourage you to think the same.

Morty and his daughter Bea make awesome videos featuring some of the best songs in rock n roll history. Check out Bea & Daddy Car Tunes on Instagram:

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