Any old schmo with an abacus can do the math and whip up a song in an odd time signature. What's tough is to write a song in 7/8 or 13/4 or 5/4 that people actually want to hear outside of the nutty math-rock folks (who we adore). To write an honest to Jebez HIT SONG with an odd time signature is such an incredibly impressive magic trick, we felt the topic warranted it's own episode of ATTT. Of course our ol pal Dustin Prince is more than up for the gig, as he drums with the best of em. To the uninitiated, fear not. We get into what an odd time signature actually is, and help you with your counting skillz. You'll need them as you try to do the math on these amazing songs that burned up the charts despite them being quite difficult to dance to.

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