We've painted this picture for you before. It's a lovely summer evening on the road. You hit a stoplight and a car pulls up next to you. "I Can't Wait" from Nu Shooz comes blaring out of your car speakers. What do you do? Do you roll up your windows in shame? Or do you crank it up like a rock n roll animal who can't get enough of Nu Shooz's only hit? Or do you roll up the windows but keep listening, because deep down you love that song, no matter how embarrassing it would be if people knew. The Wolffing brothers Chris and Justin know a thing or two about questionable music, as you'll hear, and the 80's are such a great decade for good bad songs, here we present Volume 2 of Top Ten Guilty Pleasures in all of it's stupefying glory.

Coleflatch is an actual band. They have music you can listen to. Here:

Stream this playlist on Spotify:

Can't get enough Guilty Pleasures Of The 80's? Dig on Volume 1 from 2016 with the great Frank Nicotero: