Good Day to you all, my wonderful listeners. I’m thrilled that you have, once again, tuned into the show that makes the world go round, or at least my world, All Things Writing. 

We have a lot of authors and writing related people on this show and that is great. But remember that there is a cast of thousands who work in the creative world and they all add that subtle bit of awesome sauce to what we do.

I do have some podcasters on, but really none like this guy. He does something truly unique. Please take some time to get to know the voice The Wandering Tavern podcast, Mr. William Smith.

Today we are talking about;

How did you first think to yourself, you know, this is something I want to do?Have you always been into voices and voice acting?What were you like as a kid?When did you first realize you had a good idea?Walk me through the process of creating a character in your head.There seems to be a good amount of audio mixing that has to go on, how long does it take you to do an episode, lets say for an hour or so of audio?

Want to know more? Check out William's work at:

Project Smythical or The Wandering Tavern

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