Some days are just cooler than others in all respects and this is one of those days. Why? You might ask? Well, I have as a guest today guy that I’m happy to call a friend and fellow horror writer. But his talents do not just stop there. I became an instant fan when I read his books, The Night Parade and Bone White. You may know of him from the band Veer. Of course, I am talking about Mr. Ronald Malfi. 

Join us as we talk about all kinds of different things. On this episode we talk about:

How many books he has written.When did he start writing and how it all began.How do you write characters with such depth and substance to them.His top three bits of advice for aspiring writers.When did he know he had made it as a professional writer and he was going to dedicate his life to the craft?Hear him talk about his new book, Come With Me. Where can people pre-order Come With Me?Ronald will discuss the main characters and what inspirations he took them from.We are going to discuss settings for Come With Me.I talk Ronald into giving us his elevator pitch.Most importantly, where can people find the book to pre-order.Pre-order your copy of Come with Me, today!

 Find out more about the talented Mr. Ronald Malfi, here.

This has been another episode of all things writing. I want to remind the listening audience that if you liked the show, hit that like button so you know when new shows come out and to see all of the old ones. Also, if you want to support the show you can hit the link in the show notes, or paypal me directly. Remember we have tons of sponsorship slots available. If you are interested, contact me and let me know you are interested in sponsorship.

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