Welcome to this next episode of All Things Writing. I am your host, Bryan Nowak.

Do you hate rejection? Naturally, you do, we all hate rejection. However, rejection is a part of life when you are a writer. Most of us avoid rejection like we would avoid the day-old package of gas station sushi. And yet, dear writer, I am going to let you in on a little secret about rejection.

You need it.

Rejection hurts, but not as much as flat-out failure. Each rejection you get is like Thomas Edison’s proverbial failed lightbulb experiment. When asked about having failed two thousand times, he responded that each failure was one way he now knew would not work.

As a writer you’re going to face rejection in many forms. Whether that rejection comes from a reader, an editor, or a publisher it still stings.

In this episode I’m going to talk about rejection, how to take it on board and learn from it. You want those rejections; you need those rejections. Print them off and tacked them up on the wall. And sometimes, you’re going to want to print them off and put them into your three-ring binder so you can reference them from time to time. Because, buried in that rejection there’s gold.

As always, thank you for listening to the show. If you like the show and want to make a donation, feel free to PayPal me at [email protected]. And if there are any burning topics you want me to talk about, feel free to email me at that same email address. I’ll be happy to discuss anything in the world of writing.

If you would like to read any of my novels, check me out here.

Until next time, this is Bryan the Writer, signing off.

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