Think fast my writing friends. What would you say is the single most important aspect of your writing game aside from butt in chair making the words happen?

I would argue that if you said anything other than the help of a good editor, you would be wrong. And our next guest has a passion of writing and editing and she is going to share with us the things she has learned.

If you listened to last week’s show you would already know that my guest this week is none other than Red Lagoe. Listen on as we talk about all kinds of things about how she got into writing, where did all those snakes come from, and...

How did she get into horror writing?

Who influenced her horror writing?

Let's talk about Lucid Screams and Dismal Dreams

How did she get started writing in the short story realm?

What is the key to great short story writing?

What drives her as a writer?

What kindled her interest in being an editor?

Check out Red at or her Amazon page 

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