The Christmas / New Year episode of the All Things TechIE podcast where Simon Lang and Justin Dawson talked about

- #AVTechnicianAtChristmas our hashtag that we hope to make viral with the #AVTweep community this festive period. What is the best and worse Christmas displays you have seen?

- Printer Gate, how does the Irish Government end up spending nearly €2 million on a printer?

- Man held at gunpoint to release a domain name!

- Videos of children unboxing toys on YouTube. Should it be allowed? Your thoughts!

- Is Uber in Ireland and is Uber in big trouble? and your favourite tech toys for Christmas.

As always you can contact the show by visiting Tweet @SimonLangAV or @JustinRDawson or #AllThingsTechIE


Show Note Links

Irish Times explanation of Printer Gate
Do it for the State 
Samsung Tap View

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