On Episode 79 of All Things TechIE Podcast, the host, Justin Dawson discusses a l desire for the return of the Celebrity Death Match show and ponders the idea of a clay animation featuring Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk in a ring. 

Threads vs. Twitter: We explore the emergence of Mark Zuckerberg's latest endeavor - Meta Threads. With 10 million subscribers in just a week, this social media platform could potentially surpass Twitter if Instagram's user base

The podcast also covers the creator of the Twitter account tracking Elon Musk's private jet, who has moved to Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter rival, Threads, after being suspended from Twitter. The account has raised questions about privacy invasion and garnered a significant following. 

Shifting gears, Justin discusses the news of Microsoft planning to cut jobs in its Dublin operations. He clarifies that these cuts are not linked to global cutbacks but rather a local adjustment based on business needs. The podcast touches on the fact that organisational and workforce adjustments are a regular part of managing a business. 

Listeners can find the All Things TechIE Podcast on various podcast platforms, including YouTube. They can also follow their Twitter handle @avtechjunkies for updates. For previous episodes and more tech-related content, visit the official website at www.allthingstech.ie. If you're interested in advertising or sponsorship opportunities, be sure to check out www.xtrememedia.ie