“Why is it important to mentor students, especially students of color in STEM areas?” In this episode, host Dr. Frank A. Gomez sits down with Dr. Frank A. Gomez, a Professor of Psychology at California State University, San Marcos, to discuss his leadership in mentoring underrepresented students and his personal mentorship experiences that impacted his life. 

“Science and academia are not the world that many folks inhabit prior to considering a career in that area, and this is where mentorship becomes essential…I have seen people come into the field and experience brick walls and challenges at multiple times and feel that they are failures. Getting small success along the way is very important to feel that you are competent and can pursue this career, and this is where a mentor can be very helpful”.

Episode Credits

Produced, edited, and mixed by Monica Alarcon

Hosted by Dr. Frank A. Gomez

Music licensed by Premium Beat