Did you know that there are over 6.5 million Canadians over the age of 65? Almost 11 thousand of those are over the age of a hundred. Our older loved ones and community members have some unique needs and evolving challenges. They need advocacy and they need a voice.

In this episode, we have two such experts representing their organisations whose work over the years have proven pivotal and has helped older adults not only in Canada but around the world. 

First, let me introduce Gregor Sneddon. Gregor is the executive director of Help Age Canada. He's passionate about social justice and working with the under privileged and marginalised. His many years working with older people inspires him to help them find a voice. Since 1975, Help Age Canada has been working for older persons and helping them overcome poverty, claim their right, challenge discrimination, and lead a dignified, secure, and healthy life.

Help Age Canada is a founding member of Help Age International and is part of a global network of organisations operating in 85 countries. Help Age Canada’s mission is to work in partnership with others to improve and maintain the quality of life of vulnerable older persons and their communities in Canada and around the world.

My second guest is Laura Tamblyn Watts. She is the president and CEO of CanAge. Laura is a lawyer, advocate researcher, and media commentator. Her work focuses on law, ageing abuse, accessibility law reform, governance, and knowledge mobilisation. She has served as Chief Public Policy Officer at the Canadian Association of Retired Person for the past two years and national director of the Canadian Centre for Elder Law. She currently teaches at the University of Toronto where she is also a fellow of the Institute for Life Course and Aging.

CanAge is an independent non-profit advocacy organisation which educates, empowers, and mobilises people on the issues that matter most to older Canadians.


What CanAge is and what they do What Help Age Canada is and their work Laura's thoughts on COVID-19 The infection control in affecting COVID-19 What Laura will fix in the system How Gregor's organisation is helping older adults in this time of isolation The isolation and loneliness in Canada The effects of loneliness in people Why isolation and loneliness is also a pandemic Laura's thoughts on the financial aspects of home care Different kinds of legislation to make the change  On the bigger questions like the value of life How to help older adults who go are going through hearing loss What Gregor sees in people reporting elder abuse Gregor's tips to caregivers who want to become better version of themselves  Laura's tips to the listeners



Host’s email: [email protected]

Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: www.RightAtHomeCanada.com/Winnipeg

All Things Senior’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllThingsSeniors


Laura's Website: https://www.canage.ca/

Laura's Email: [email protected]

Laura’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-tamblyn-watts-a8ab61/

Laura’s Twitter: @ltamblynwatts


Gregor's Website: www.HelpAgeCanada.ca

Gregor's Email: [email protected] 

Gregor's Instagram: @HelpAgeCanada

Gregor's Twitter: @HelpAgeCA

Gregor's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helpagecanada


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