Did you know that for most people a routine is pleasant and useful to keep us grounded during the stressful time? 

For those with dementia, routines are key components of staying healthy. Typically, people with dementia have trouble forming new memories and learning new information. For them, routine and repetition are critical to function. While they can learn new things, it is very difficult and takes much longer.

A good routine includes consistent sleep and wake times, hygiene, meal times and key activities. The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted much of these. Disrupting the routines of those with dementia creates a lot of stress for someone who cannot track information. This may lead to an increase in confusion and memory issues. The good news is that this is most often temporary and can stabilize once people get back to the routine.

To discuss these and many other Alzheimer's and dementia related matters, let's start our chat with Teepa Snow. Teepa is an occupational therapist with 40 plus years of clinical and academic experience. She presents with extraordinary expertise and humor to audiences, large and small, throughout the world.

Her company Positive Approach to Care was founded in 2006 and provides online and in person education and products.



How pandemic affects the Alzheimer's community Why social isolation is devastating  How the PPE affects the approach to people with dementia On creating new routines in using PPE On learning the tone of your voice On using online resources What she means by helping through spiritual connection What challenges she see during lockdown On using technology The challenge of hearing loss How we can identify people with hearing loss and give some support What she mean by Assist to sit



Host’s email: [email protected] Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: www.RightAtHomeCanada.com/Winnipeg All Things Senior’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllThingsSeniors Teepa’s Website: www.teepasnow.com Email address: [email protected] Twitter: @teepasnow Instagram: teepasnows_pac Facebook: www.facebook.com/teepasnow.dementiaexpert YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/teepasnow


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