Cohousing originated in Denmark in the 1960s. Today some 50,000 people in Denmark are cohousing. In Canada, we have less than 20 cohousing projects and they are mainly in BC.

There are however over 150 such projects in the US (and maybe more now). Building communities and avoiding loneliness is something we all need to address as a society and cohousing definitely helps.

Today, our guest is Grace Kim. Grace is an architect with over 20 years of experience under her belt. She is also an internationally recognised expert in cohousing. Grade had a great TED Talk where she talked about how cohousing can make people happier (and live longer).


What cohousing is What makes cohousing different from a traditional condominium or single family home development The benefits of cohousing How some people approach cohousing The biggest reason people don't prefer it How cohousing helps people to live more happily What we can do to share the message about choosing How seniors can be supported in cohousing What the mode of communication will be The pros and cons of cohousing What she does on her spare time


"Having a strong social connections and strong relationships are the most important things that would help longevity of life."

"Cohousing helps us to remember the humanity in all of us and to really be connected with each other in a more meaningful way."


Grace’s TED Talk Grace’s Website Grace’s LinkedIn Grace’s Facebook Contact Grace: [email protected] How to find CoHousing options for you: and Did You Know Segment