Did you know that 76% of seniors living at home and 97% of those living in healthcare institutions are taking some form of medication? Two-thirds of Canadians over 65 also have one or more different prescriptions and a quarter of them have ten or more.

Pharmacists are integral members of the healthcare team and they play a significant role in seniors' care. They are readily accessible to offer advice and information about medications, monitor their use, and work with physicians and other healthcare providers to manage and improve drug therapy and enhance the patients’ quality of life.

Today we have with us a seasoned pharmacist, Jason Hoeppner. Jason graduated from the University of Manitoba Faculty of Pharmacy in 2001. He worked for 10 years at St. Boniface Hospital Pharmacy department before starting his own pharmacy, The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy in 2012.

Jason also completed his advanced cardiology pharmacy practice program at the University of Toronto in 2008. He is also a certified diabetes educator.


His role within the healthcare team as a pharmacist How he communicates with other healthcare professionals The database he is using The ideal pharmacy to hire as a personal pharmacist On people who use natural medications/supplements On cannabis-based medications How to get cannabis-based medications Best time to get vaccines before travelling Kind of care available that’s part of the free healthcare system On getting blood work done On testing strips Responsibility of patients when they visit a doctor Tips/advice for listeners in terms of their approach to medication and drugs management for their loved ones What polypharmacy means The role of a pharmacists/family caregivers in initiating the conversation of reducing medications Step people need to do that will benefit them and their loved ones



Host’s email: [email protected]

Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: www.RightAtHomeCanada.com/Winnipeg

All Things Senior’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllThingsSeniors


Jason's Website: www.MedicineShoppeWinnipeg.ca

Jason's Email: [email protected]

Jason’s Instagram: @medshoppeosbrne

Jason’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/MedicineShoppeOsborne/



Did You Know Segment: https://hospitalnews.com/the-role-of-the-pharmacist-in-senior-care/