Mint and HT Smartcast wish all our listeners a happy Diwali and a prosperous New Year. Markets have ended the year Samvat 2077 with best gains in 13 years despite covid led lockdowns and uncertainties which had deterred economic growth. Riding on abundant liquidity, investors made nearly 40% profit in equities this year, the best returns compared to other asset classes.

In comparison, mid and smallcaps have done exceedingly well in Samvat 2077. BSE Midcap surged 61% while BSE SmallCap jumped 79% in the year.

So, how does Samvat 2078 look for markets? Which themes are likely to play out in the year? To discuss that Mint’s Nasrin Sultana is joined by Yogesh Patil, head of equities, LIC Mutual Funds.