Episode 37: Interview with Michelle Spiva, Part 1


Prologue: Write in a different length

Daily Science Fiction: https://dailysciencefiction.com/

Microfiction Monday Magazine: https://microfictionmondaymagazine.com/

Six Word Stories: http://www.sixwordstories.net/

Main Story: Interview with Michelle Spiva, Part 1

Mychal Daniels (pen name): http://mychaldaniels.com/

Epilogue: The Book Launch, Part 4

Bookbrush: https://bookbrush.com/

Dystopia and Dissonance Newsletter: http://kylepratt.me/contact

Canva: https://www.canva.com/

Mailchimp: https://mailchimp.com/

Strengthen What Remains, Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com/authorkylepratt/strengthen-what-remains-series/


"Never Surrender" by Chasing Noise, off their album, Everything http://chasingnoise.wixsite.com/chasingnoise