Having to go to the bathroom 60 times a day is more than inconvenient. Trying to manage that while playing professional golf takes it to another level, not to mention the excruciating pain associated with it.  Terry Jo Myers discusses her battle with this disease and the planning involved in playing the tour and the […]

The post All Things Golf – Battling Interstitial Cystitis as a LPGA Player with Terry Jo Myers appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

Having to go to the bathroom 60 times a day is more than inconvenient. Trying to manage that while playing professional golf takes it to another level, not to mention the excruciating pain associated with it.  Terry Jo Myers discusses her battle with this disease and the planning involved in playing the tour and the toll it took on her family.

The post All Things Golf – Battling Interstitial Cystitis as a LPGA Player with Terry Jo Myers appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.