This week on the All Things Food podcast host Nickie Hursthouse talks to registered dietitian Dr Catherine Wall about all things GUT HEALTH 💩.

It is a timely conversation as June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month so there is no better time to kick off this conversation and raise the awareness about how incredibly important it is to maintain your gut health.

This episode covers:

What do we mean when we talk about gut health?What are the alarm symptoms for bowel cancer?What is the difference between IBS and IBD?What are FODMAPs?What is the gut microbiome?How do we maintain our gut health?

You can find out more about Catherine through her business Gut Nutrition where she provides a specialist service for those with crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and also over on social media at @ibdgutnutrition. 

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of All Things Food! If you loved this episode please consider leaving a review (hopefully 5 stars) and share it with your friends, family or community.

Until next week, you can follow the podcast and Nickie’s work via or on Instagram and Facebook @nourishwithnickie.