Now that we have more quality time to connect with our partners, this is the perfect opportunity to cultivate our communication and listening skills in our relationship. 

The First Cup Podcast hosts, Kirsten and Darius, who are newly engaged,  had the dreaded, “We Need to Talk” conversation on this episode.  The Talk, which was used in episode 5, is a question card deck created to guide a couple's conversation and help uncover the beliefs, motivators, and values of one another.


[1:17] The Talk

[2:15] Q1: I wish you would stop ______.

[5:30] Q2: Name one thing you would change about me to make us better.

[7:23] Q3: What is the most you should spend without consulting your partner?

[8:44] Q4: Which area of your life are fiercely and intentionally driven to win in?

[10:54] Q5: Describe your childhood. How was it impacted who you are in our relationship?

EPISODE QUOTE: "We're better together."

The Talk can be purchased here. 

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