While the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022 was a victory for life, we have so much more work to do. Most Americans are pro-choice and lack a vision for what a truly pro-life society could look like. Pro-life advocates must get better at articulating our position and moving our mission forward with energy and passion.

This episode includes both data and answers to practical questions for our current historical moment when it comes to abortion in the United States.

Be sure to pursue more information and equipping from Scott Klusendorf at the Life Training Institute: https://prolifetraining.com/

Many thanks to our episode sponsor:

Crossway: crossway.org

The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture, Second Edition, by Scott Klusendorf: https://www.crossway.org/books/the-case-for-life-tpb-2/

Cultural Counterfeits: Confronting 5 Empty Promises of Our Age and How We Were Made for So Much More, by Jen Oshman: https://www.crossway.org/books/cultural-counterfeits-tpb/

Keep up with Scott Klusendorf: https://prolifetraining.com/about-speaker/scott-klusendorf/

Resources mentioned in this episode:






Episode 56 of All Things: At-Home Abortions via Telemedicine are Legal in the US—Here's Why That’s Dangerous: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-things/id1449943664?i=1000519419295