Hopefully you’re enjoying a brief work week after having Labor Day off on Monday! On this week’s episode we are taking a look at work from a Christian perspective. We’re going all the way back to the beginning and unpacking the Creation Mandate and what it means to bear God’s image in the spheres where he has placed us. My hope is that this episode will encourage you in your work, wherever that may. As followers of Christ you are an outpost of his kingdom whether your work is in the home, in an office, out in public, across the world, or across the street. Our God is creative and our callings are diverse—all work is a way to honor God, love him, and love others. Beyond an understanding of work, we take a quick look at a few fun and interesting statistics regarding women in the labor force and we close out with a reminder that we are limited humans and called to not only work, but to rest. Be encouraged—your work is good work! Your work is a means of bringing light to dark places. Your work matters.

Be sure to check out the Women & Work Website and the Women, Work, and Calling one-day conference hosted by the Denver Institute for Faith and Work.

Women in the US Workforce