Today is Good Friday and Sunday is Easter. For Christ followers this is the biggest weekend of our year and the most crucial event of our faith. Jesus claimed to be God and he and his followers say he rose from the dead. If that’s true, every human being should ponder this reality. Have you ever stopped to consider the veracity of that claim? What evidence do we have for the resurrection? On All Things today we are looking at the evidence for the resurrection and how—if it’s true—it changes how we view our own lives, callings, suffering, death, resurrection, and more.

I encourage you to dive in and do more research on your own. This is the crux of our faith! This is worth your time!

Jesus is the only religious leader who is not in His grave - article by Jen Oshman with many more links to books and websites for further research

Abundant Life is on the Other Side of Whatever Death You are Facing - Jen Oshman

Who Were the Women at the Empty Tomb? - Justin Taylor, TGC

Ehrman’s Objections to the Women’s Discovery of the Empty Tomb - William Lane Craig

What Skeptical Scholars Admit about the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus - Christianity Today