Americans are drinking more than ever. When lockdown orders first went into effect, the United States saw a 54% increase in alcohol sales. Alcohol consumption rose among adults over age 30 by 14% during the pandemic, with a 41% increase in women heavily drinking. Why are we (especially women) drinking more? How have our views and habits as a nation changed over the last few decades? On this episode of All Things I’m hoping to a offer a springboard for further in-person conversations about America’s drinking problem. More of us have Alcohol Use Disorder than we might think. And more of us need to bring our dependencies into the light and provide safe places for others to do the same. The question for those of us whose faith allows us to drink is this: considering the sharp rise in alcohol use around the country, are we willing to pause and take an honest look at ourselves, our friends, and our faith families? In an age when many are tempted to find false peace in alcohol, let us hold out the name and love of Jesus who says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you” (John 14:27). Jesus is our peace, let us share his goodness and healing with those who are hurting. 

How Should Churches Respond to America’s Alcohol Crisis? - Jen Oshman, Acts29

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Nat. Inst. on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Drinking Levels Defined - NIAAA

Americans are using alcohol to cope with pandemic stress: Nearly 1 in 5 report 'heavy drinking' - USA Today

Women, alcohol, and COVID-19 - Harvard Health

No Amount Of Alcohol Is Good For Your Health, Global Study Says - NPR

Should You Avoid All Alcohol? Here’s What the Experts Think - Healthline