Have you or a loved one ever been diagnosed with a mental disorder? A diagnosis might not only feel chaotic and unsettling, but also final and paralyzing. In the church we wonder if the issue is spiritual or physical, if friends can offer support or if we need to call in the professionals, if all we need is the Bible or if we need to draw on other resources. It can feel like we have more questions than answers.

On this episode of All Things we hear from Christine Chappell who just published a new mini-book resource entitled, Help! I've Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder (Shepherd Press). The book aims to give comfort and counsel to those who have been labeled with a psychiatric disorder of some kind. Christine cautions against a “fix it” mentality and says, “As someone who has personally navigated such a journey, I pray that the stabilizing biblical truths shared in this resource will minister to others in the same way that they ministered to me.” Listen in to hear Christine show how the Scriptures provide truths about our personhood, purpose, and potential for making God-glorifying progress during the challenging post-diagnosis journey.


Christine Chappell Website

Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder